Food Waste, How to Reduce Food Waste During The Production Process

How to Reduce Food Waste During The Production Process

Food Waste, How to Reduce Food Waste During The Production ProcessAccording to the data of the United Nations Environment Programme and World Resources Institute report, for about one-third of all food are wasted worldwide, food waste has become a major global problem! Not only the food is wasted but also money. There are numerous factors as to why food is wasted, especially during the production process. Sometimes consumers purchase an excess amount, which they can’t consume at all. As one of the leading storage solution providers, Huameilong Metal Products ensures proper practices by applying metal pallet cage and mesh storage containers that will reduce food waste and maintain food safety standards. 


Food Storage Options

When talking about “food waste problem”, storage options play a critical role. Not only does it prolong the shelf life of a product, but it also protects it from any transmission of harmful moisture. Food storage manufacturing leaders must critically consider having containers like metal pallet cage, as it may lead to business loss. 

Apart from that, some mistakes keep happening, which only increases the risks of food safety. Net-Railing Huameilong Metal Products provides tips to reduce leaks, cross-contamination, freezer burn, accelerated spoilage, and more. Hopefully, industries will learn something out of these tips. 

Handle food safely. 

One way to properly handle food is to categorize them. For large industries, especially retail or supermarkets, you can put items by shelves and group using a metal pallet cage. It is also best to place foods appropriately in material storage and then label food items with the type of food and the date it was prepared. 

Pay attention to food storage temperatures. 

Not all foods need to be stored at the same temperature. Foods, especially the perishable ones, have the tendency to quickly spoil until it becomes harmful to consume. Perishable goods should be stored at or below 5°C in the fridge or below -20°C in the freezer.

Clean food storage areas. 

Storage solution providers must prepare for another cold storage area during cleaning and moving of goods. Even when producing the goods, food storage areas must be clean before placing another good batch. In big industries, consider doing regular cleaning of all the containers, bins, freezers, or storage rooms. You can also sanitize the area if you want to wash away harmful chemicals around the area. 

The Future Outlook of Food

The food waste problem can be curved, and everyone can play a significant role. As one of the leading storage manufacturers, let us help business owners in the industry to properly care for their products. With simple changes like selecting the right metal storage options, you can make a huge impact – in more ways than you can imagine.