material handling, 5 Misconceptions About Safe Material Handling

5 Misconceptions About Safe Material Handling

l handlingMany distribution companies and logistics companies adopt the best practices when it comes to their material handling services to drive higher productivity and return on investment. According to The National Safety Council (NSC), they suggest that employers must relay information to all personnel to help reduce workplace accidents when material handling and moving materials. However, there are some misconceptions about it. 

material handling, 5 Misconceptions About Safe Material Handling

In this article, Net-Railing Huameilong Metal Products will help in educating businesses and their employees on safer ways to get the job right. Browse through the list of common misconceptions about material handling practices and started myth-busting.

Myth: “But it’s not that much weight.”


Injuries may arise even in low weights. No matter how heavy or light the load is, it is essential to spot a potential risk as part of your material handling solutions. Sometimes that incident may happen due to the unsolved problem with the storage container itself. No matter how seemingly harmless it is, you don’t know what may come next.

Myth: “Upgrades are only necessary when it breaks down.”


Each piece of material handling equipment in the warehouse operations is essential in ensuring that your facility will continue to produce high-quality output. But, what will happen if it breaks down? That small breakdown can affect or halt the overall operations. That is why there is a need for regular maintenance or check-up of all the resources and consents of the business. In fact, many companies technically upgrade their equipment even if it doesn’t break down. Some change it because of operational conditions, or there’s a new upgrade in the market.


Myth: “Those are only minor injuries and will happen once in a while.”


If you think that those are only “minor injuries”, you’re wrong. Imagine you are a warehouse owner with many workers, and each day one minor injury happens, it will still cause an employee to suffer and cost individual businesses thousands of dollars in medical costs. Other than that, it can also be the reason why an employee may stop working due to improper warehousing storage approach and result in a loss of talent and career opportunities.


Myth: “Cheapest racking equipment is the best.”


It’s not a bad idea if you want to be financially prudent, but sometimes this idea gradually cost you more money than you initially thought. Before purchasing a material handling equipment, weigh down first the most flexible and advantageous one and go for those. Always remember that you don’t need to base your choice entirely on cost, because there are other factors more important than that. 


Myth:  “Newer is much better.”


There is no doubt that with the advent of technology, businesses can quickly adapt to inevitable changes and can somehow explore much more advanced equipment for their business. Advancements in technology contribute to the material equipment handling solutions to fulfill its obligations for dear customers. However, if you look into the broader perspective, the word “new” isn’t always as it is, especially if it failed to meet your expectations. You must look for what best suits your warehouse operations and see to it that it will help you in running your operations although it’s not the newest.


Want to stay up to date?

In light of the factors above mentioned, it’s time to set aside the myths and address the issues. It’s worthwhile to envision your company with the right information when it comes to material handling solutions. 


Is your company keen to improve its storage warehouse layout and material handling solutions? We can help. Call us at +86-0411-83615995 or fill in our FREE quote form, and one of our experts will be in touch.