tire lacing, Ask HML: What Can Tire Lacing Do

Ask HML: What Can Tire Lacing Do

If you happen to have a warehouse, distribution center, logistics company, or dealership that manage tires, you need specific equipment to attain smooth operation, especially during shipment. To meet the uprising demand, categorizing and identification of the various types of tires is essential. Aside from using a reliable tire rack storage, an effective tire lacing method can be applied.

Tires are like any other business commodity. They’re your inventory and assets. Accordingly, you have to do everything you can to prevent damage and ensure that you don’t lose money. One way to achieve it is to lace it differently while placing it on a tire rack. But what exactly can tire lacings do? Does it improve tire storage capacity? Is it economical during shipment? HML will answer all your questions. Let us discover!

tire lacing, Ask HML: What Can Tire Lacing Do

Does It Save Space?

Organizing a bunch of tires isn’t easy. Especially during these days, we are hit by this global pandemic, and the demand is rising. Would you believe that tire lacings can be a great benefit? We do. This method increases storage density by 25-30% which is a far better number of tires you can store in a rack compared to tires stored on the tread.

Is It Economical?

Tire lacings doesn’t only save space inside the warehouse, but it also contributes before and after shipment. Achieving greater space means making a higher return on investment—this tire lacing method is a highly economical solution when transporting large volumes of tires.


How Can I Stack Tire?

An appropriate rack system often reduces handling, inventory, and at the same time, increases the saved space. Another excellent method is to lace the tires. How do we do this? Tire lacings often stores more tires that the other two ways (horizontal and vertical). In this method, laced tires are tightly packed together. The first thing you need to do is to lean your tire against the side of the rack. Lay your other tires tightly in diagonal with the same angle until you get to the other side of the tire rack. Just keep on lacing your tires until you get to the top of the rack.

How Much Does It Cost?

If you are wondering if it cost too much, well, you’re wrong. You can even do this by yourself. So, you don’t need to hire anyone to do this. For big industries, warehouse workers are used to tire lacing along with racks. Before tire lacings, ensure that the tire racks to be used are made by quality products to prevent any harm or damage. Fortunately, HML offers tire racks for passenger and SUV tires. Our products also vary in size, depending on the volume of tires that need to be stored. It can carry more than 60 tires and withstand up to 1100 kg for its maximum loading capacity. Isn’t it amazing to lace tires with these racks?

If you need quality tire racks to partner with your tire lacing method, Net-Railing Huameilong Metal Products has the equipment you need for efficient, smooth tire management.