tire lacing, How to Keep Your Business from Spinning Out

How to Keep Your Business from Spinning Out

Tire distributors and manufacturers emphasize many points on tire lacing rack, which is helpful for space optimization in most of the warehouses today. The methods used for tire lacing can play a vital role in risk mitigation and would increase the possible sales of the business. If the storage set up was not done correctly, your company could suffer a tire fire that would also lead to injuries and profit loss. In this case, we can say that tire lacing rack is essential for every business and large companies.  

How to Make the Most of Your Space With Proper Tire Storage Solutions

Storage isn’t the only thing a tire business owner needs to be aware of. Several risks need to be safeguarded against, and there are practices that should be implemented. That’s why, in Huameilong Metal Products, we provide you with the best way on how to store your tires properly. It can be stored in a solid pile or through racking. When storing tires either in racking or in a solid collection, there are three ways to stack them. Find out below to better understand how tire lacing storage works:

3 Ways to Stack Tire

Horizontal. Tires that are stored in a horizontal position may have fewer chances of the water to get to the fire, as the water hits the tread and goes around the tire.

Vertical. Vertical stacking is usually used in solid piling that was mentioned earlier. If there’s a fire break out, vertical stacking acts like a chimney, which is very helpful because the water can flow down to the base of the fire. 

Laced. Tire lacing often stores more tires that the other two ways horizontal and vertical. But the downside of this method is that laced tires are tightly packed together. If there’s a fire, it is challenging to get water to the source of the fire.

An appropriate rack system often reduces handling, inventory and space requirements, and it boosts safety within the warehouse. The forefront of tire storage system installations is always the safety of both operations and workers.

Net-railing HML also provides quality steel pallet cagesnestainerpreform container, pet preform container, metal pallet cage, wire container storage cageswire pallet cages and roll container that surely would help for your business.

Want to learn more?

Proper tire storage is vital, but sometimes, the necessary precautions aren’t enough. Things can go wrong quickly despite your best efforts, and if something does happen, it’s essential to have a safety net in place. That’s where business insurance comes in. To find out how Huameilong Metal Products can help with your storage needs, visit our website today!