Pallet Racking, Wire Mesh Dividers for Pallet Racking Solution

Wire Mesh Dividers for Pallet Racking Solution

Pallet rack hanging dividers are a simple solution for ensuring product accessibility, organization, and safety in pallet racking systems. Here, we’ll talk about hanging divider and what this equipment can do in your pallet racking solution.

Pallet Racking, Wire Mesh Dividers for Pallet Racking Solution

What is Hanging Divider?

Hanging dividers are typically hung down from wire decking and used to divide and organize products on pallet racking bays. These wire hanging dividers can be easily integrated into new pallet rack applications or retrofitted to existing racking. Moreover, the candy cane-shaped wire hooks on the pallet rack wire deck dividers. Accordingly, it is attached to the mesh of the existing wire deck above and hang down below. To help keep the mesh panel in place, the bottom has inverted V-shaped wires that fit the deck’s wire mesh below.

Features and Advantages of Hanging Dividers

Ease of installation. One of the main advantages of hanging dividers is their ease of installation. As previously stated, they dangle from an existing piece of wire decking. Installation and implementation take minutes for smaller applications and even less time for larger applications.


Safety. Another advantage of pallet rack hanging dividers is that they add protection to a pallet rack application. Plus! The left-to-right applications are intended to prevent products from falling off from above and keep the flue spaces clear.


Flue Space. Hanging wire dividers do have flue spaces within rack storage areas (clear vertical lines of sight from the floor to the ceiling). Accordingly, this allows upward ventilation in the event of a fire rather than spreading it across multiple bays of racking. In case of fire, the sprinkler systems quickly extinguish the fire, and in many jurisdictions, pallet rack hanging dividers help meet legal requirements.


Optimize warehouse. Hanging wire dividers can assist you in optimizing your storage space within your racking system. You can quickly find what you’re looking for and keep track of everything. Consequently, for more added benefits and safety, pick up some concrete anchor bolts.

Alternatives to Hanging Dividers 

Sure thing! There are alternatives just like clip-on dividers, pallet rack backing, and flue space dividers. These are all options that serve similar functions. These items are not as quick or easy to install as a hanging divider, but they are still smooth.

Who makes hanging dividers?

Are you looking for a perfect partner on your shelves? Our wire decking hanging divider can adjust and easily attach to its panels whether you have a stepped beam or a rectangular one. Please contact us for availability and a quote on our pallet rack hanging dividers


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