COVID-19, How Huameilong is Coping with COVID-19

How Huameilong is Coping with COVID-19

With the rising number of cases in China, it pays to take all precautionary measures in dealing with COVD-19. At Huameilong, the health and safety of the staff are one of the top priorities. We also make sure to educate our team and to remind them about effective health practices continuously.

COVID-19, How Huameilong is Coping with COVID-19

Here are the ways our team prevents the spreading of COVID-19 and what you should be doing as well to keep yourself and the community safe.

Wash your hands

This is the simplest and most effective way to prevent and remove bacteria in your hands. It is recommended to wash your hands for 20 seconds or more with soap and lukewarm water.

Don’t cough or sneeze into your hands

Any bacteria coming from your system will contaminate your hands, which will later infect everything you touch. Keep your community and work environment safe by sneezing into your handkerchief instead.

Check your temperature

The most evident symptom of COVID-19 is high fever. As one determinant, you can monitor your body temperature. The team conducts a daily temperature check to every worker before they get in the office or factory.

COVID-19, How Huameilong is Coping with COVID-19
COVID-19, How Huameilong is Coping with COVID-19
COVID-19, How Huameilong is Coping with COVID-19


Keep your distance

If you see someone who’s unwell, try to avoid close contact. It is recommended to be at least one meter or three feet apart, especially in public places. When inside the premises of the company, you can report anyone who has symptoms of COVID-19 to the respective authorities.

Don’t touch your face with unwashed hands

You could quickly get the virus from others or from the things you’ve reached. We made sure that every worker wear masks at work to protect themselves and others.

COVID-19, How Huameilong is Coping with COVID-19
COVID-19, How Huameilong is Coping with COVID-19

Stay home if you are unwell

If you have any of the symptoms of COVID-19, seek medical attention. We remind our staff that they should not be afraid to approach the nearest medical practitioner or institution.

Follow protocol and company updates

The administration at Huameilong is updated on the latest news of COVID-19. Whatever is an effective protocol, it is readily disseminated to all workers. In the meantime, we make sure to disinfect all areas in the office and at the factory regularly. 

COVID-19, How Huameilong is Coping with COVID-19
COVID-19, How Huameilong is Coping with COVID-19