How To Buy a Storage Containers During The Coronavirus Pandemic?

How To Buy a Storage Containers During The Coronavirus Pandemic?

HML’s Forte Much of the country is sheltered in place, and people are following specific social distancing guidelines. Still shopping is an essential part of many people’s lives. The majority of people who continuously shop on groceries include those who work in primary industries, healthcare workers on the front lines, …

Winter Tires: What’s So Special About It?

Winter Tires: What’s So Special About It?

Winter tires might be a necessity depending on the scope of your job. However, for some areas, especially those who don’t experience winter each year, snow or winter can often be overlooked. These tires have unique attributes that mitigate the risks of snow, ice, and falling temperatures on the road, …

HML Helps You Thrive In The E-Commerce Boom

HML Helps You Thrive In The E-Commerce Boom

Consumers adapt to lockdowns and social distancing measures. COVID-19 pandemic makes it harder for people to shop and buy goods for their daily consumption. What people are buying is now changing too; perhaps returning more to relatively normal consumption patterns. Food manufacturers, distribution centers, commissaries, and warehouses are still operating …

Huameilong Today: Fully Operational and Ready for more Requests

Huameilong Today: Fully Operational and Ready for more Requests

Being the first county to go through the worldwide pandemic, China has suffered significant losses. Operations were put on hold, citizens were in quarantine, and healthcare workers were doing the best they can. After everyone’s effort and cooperation, cases start to decrease until China was partially free from the novel …

How Huameilong is Coping with COVID-19

How Huameilong is Coping with COVID-19

With the rising number of cases in China, it pays to take all precautionary measures in dealing with COVD-19. At Huameilong, the health and safety of the staff are one of the top priorities. We also make sure to educate our team and to remind them about effective health practices …