Huameilong, Huameilong Today: Fully Operational and Ready for more Requests

Huameilong Today: Fully Operational and Ready for more Requests

Being the first county to go through the worldwide pandemic, China has suffered significant losses. Operations were put on hold, citizens were in quarantine, and healthcare workers were doing the best they can. After everyone’s effort and cooperation, cases start to decrease until China was partially free from the novel coronavirus. 

Despite what has happened in China, Huameilong has continued to support customers worldwide. Operations kept running, and everyone in the team made sure proper hygiene and safety protocols were followed. Huameilong remained standing despite the adversity. 

Recently, all our factories across China are operational and working at full speed. 

Our factories in Dalian, Qingdao, Xiamen, and Nanjing are open and accepting requests as well. The availability of Huameilong’s establishment makes the shipping of equipment faster and easier.

Why order now?

On a global scope, most businesses are in a crisis. However, these times are also the perfect opportunity to invest, which includes buying metal equipment for the business. Companies can save more now that the raw material is cheaper. As soon as the economy stabilizes and goes “back to normal”, their prices will quickly spike up.

HML also provides quality steel pallet cagesnestainerpreform container, pet preform container, metal pallet cage, wire container storage cageswire pallet cages and roll container that surely would help for your business.

HML has and will always be a highly powerful, reliable, and trustworthy metal equipment manufacturer and supplier, which is exactly what the customers deserve.